Tuesday, November 15, 2011

In Which Trai Lists Some Books That Have Been Sitting On Her Shelves

I haven't done one of these in nearly a year! I like the topic for this one: Top Ten Books That Have Been On My Shelf For The Longest But I've Never Read. Maybe listing them out will finally motivate me to get around to them! :)

1) The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen, Syrie James: I've had this one for at least a few years now and I've never gotten around to it despite the great reviews I've seen! I'm saving it for a rainy, Jane-craving day, I suppose.

2) Rebecca, Daphne duMaurier: It's been so long since I got this one that I honestly don't even remember what prompted me to want to read it! I think I probably got it around the time I read Jane Eyre.

3) The Book Thief, Markus Zusak: A ton of people have told me to read this one, ever since my sophomore year of high school, but I've shied away from it knowing how upsetting it apparently is!

4) The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Anne Bronte: I'm really, really interested in this one--one of the first novels to deal with domestic abuse and alcoholism, I believe--but I think I've let it sit because I liked Agnes Grey so much that Anne became my favorite of the Bronte women, and I'm reluctant to read the second and last of Anne's novels!

5) Mr. Darcy's Diary, Amanda Grange: There's actually a few Darcy-centric books I'd like to get around to, but I'd have to space them out. I've read another Grange book (Colonel Brandon's Diary, two summers ago), but none of her others just yet.

6) Skin Deep, et. al., Christopher Golden: I loved the Jenna Blake books when I was in high school! Jenna is a mildly squeamish college student who works as an assistant for the local medical examiner, and I really liked her personality and how she and the team at the morgue responded to all kinds of suspicious deaths. I have a feeling I could relate to them a bit more now that I'm in college myself, and I'll have to pick up the remaining half or so of the series soon.

7) Wives & Daughters, Elizabeth Gaskell: Gaskell in general is one I've been trying to acquaint myself with slowly. I got sidetracked on this one during high school and never managed to pick it up again, and I'm wending my way back towards North & South, which I was reading prior to moving in this semester. Gaskell and I will meet someday!

8) The Handmaid's Tale, Margaret Atwood: One of my favorite high school teachers recommended this to me, and I know it's one of those dystopians I just need to read!

9) Middlesex, Jeffrey Eugenides: The Virgin Suicides is one of my favorite books, and I've always been curious about Eugenides' second book. It's been staring at me for at least four years now.

10) Mockingjay, Suzanne Collins: So... yeah. I read Catching Fire in September of last year, bought Mockingjay shortly after... and haven't touched it since, probably because I've heard how depressing it is. Oops. I have, however, remained unspoiled.


  1. Syrie's book is another one I could have added to my list. It's sitting on my shelf staring at me! How have you not read Mockingjay yet!?! It is kind of depressing, I guess, but I could not wait to see how the story ended.

    - Jana @ http://thatartsyreadergirl.blogspot.com/

    (Although today was my day to post the TTT at The Broke and the Bookish as well, so you may have already read my list!)

  2. Middlesex is a great book, as is Rebecca! I have read -most- of Mockingjay but I cannot finish it due to all the negative stuff about the ending that I have heard from bloggers everywhere. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall is on my shelves but it's a fairly recent purchase so I don't feel too guilty about not having read it yet!

  3. I don't really know how I've held out this long! Seeing the trailer for the movie today, though, really inspired me to get going on that one; I'm going to pick it up once I'm home for Thanksgiving!

  4. Glad to hear about Middlesex and Rebecca! I know I'll probably love them both! And I don't feel so bad about Mockingjay and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall now that I know I'm not the only person who has it stuck on their shelves...

  5. The only reason The Handmaid's Tale wouldn't have made my list is because I've never actually bought a copy of it yet, but I've been meaning to read it for several years now.
    The Beauty of Eclecticism

  6. I'm just reading Middlesex now. It's pretty good and now it looks like I'll have to get myself a copy of Virgin Suicides too! lol The book Thief is also really really good. Upsetting, yes, but I loved the ending.

  7. The Book Thief and The Handmaid's Tale are both amazing books! Don't put them off for too long :)


  8. The Book Thief is amazing and I have Mr. Darcy's Diary on my TBR list, I love Amanda Grange.

  9. Rebecca and The Tennant of Wildfell Hall are both wonderful. The Handmaid's Tale is pretty good too. :)
    Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday post. :)

  10. Mockingjay is disappointing in that it isn't as awesome as the first 2 books but it's absolutely still worth reading.

    The Book Thief is sad but not overwhelming sad.

    I really hope you get to your books soon!

    Alison at The Cheap Reader

  11. THE BOOK THIEF is on my Top 10 TBR list too! I read MARY BARTON by Elizabeth Gaskell in university and have always meant to read more by her (like WIVES & DAUGHTERS).

  12. Interesting 10... sounds like you have a few winners waiting there!! Mockingjay is hard to swallow, that's not a bad one to leave for some other day, maybe

  13. I loved Middlesex and The Handmaid's Tale! Both great books. The Book Thief has been on my TBR shelf for a while now. I've also heard great things about it.

  14. In all fairness to you, I can't believe you've remained unspoiled about Mockingjay! I hope you get around to reading it soon. It's pretty good, if unsettling :)

  15. I loved The Book Thief but The Handmaiden's Tale dissapointed me.

  16. I've been meaning to read The Book Thief for forever too. But I somehow always get distracted, haha. I've been putting off reading Mockinjay too because I've been totally spoiled about it so I'm waiting until I'm completely emotionally prepared to read it. I just know I'm going to bawl my eyes out when I read it though.
